Validation of Perception of Some Nigerians on the Origin and Use of Phyto-remedies in Management of Covid 19; An Overview of Social Media Respondents
COVID 19, Phytochemicals, SARS-COV 2, MERS-CoVAbstract
Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 6(1): 649-657
In 2019, a novel respiratory tract disease causing microorganism, SARS-COV 2 was reported with origin traced to some species of bat in Wuhan-China. The first case of this disease was reported in Nigeria on the 27th of February 2020. A lot of speculations were posted on social media on the origin, management and existence of COVID 19. This study is designed to assess the perception of some Nigerians on COVID 19 and to validate the claim on the use of some plants formulation for the treatment of this disease. An online view of the perception and speculation of some Nigerians were obtained from the surveymonkey URL 10 structured questions were designed and administered to respondent with the aim of drawing information on the origin of COVID 19, public perception on the management of COVID 19 with phytomedicines and prevention approach against COVID 19. The validation of the origin of SARS-COV 2 virus and its management was sustained by available literature. This study reveals that little or no knowledge on the origin of SARS-COV 2 was demonstrated by the respondents. The claim management approach of the COVID 19 did not correspond with the existing literature relating the activities of the plants phytochemical constituents on various viral species.
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